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Top Pergola Ideas That Can Elevate The Look Of Your Garden

Top Pergola Ideas That Can Elevate The Look Of Your Garden

08 September, 2023

A scenic garden that makes you want to spend all your day outside is something everyone wants. It seems only possible in a picture-perfect magazine or some movies. But what if it wasn’t the case? You can make your garden resemble one of those scenic gardens that you see in those magazines and movies! Yes, it is very much a possibility. Along with some landscaping work another thing that you can do to make your garden resemble Eve’s garden, you can add a pergola! A pergola in your garden can take the look of your garden and heighten the aesthetic.

But, What’s A Pergola?

Before you go to Google to search what’s a Pergola? We have an answer for you! A pergola is an outdoor framing with a roof, walkway, passage and even a sitting area. It is constructed with a few vertical posts and owes support to support beams, cross beams, and a lattice as well. You can get your pergola designed as per your liking or the vibe of your property and garden. Here are some pergola ideas that you can go for in your garden!

Top Pergola Ideas For Your Garden:

A Botanical Bliss:

If you are a botany enthusiast and love the lush greenery of your garden, you can make a pergola that reflects the same aesthetic. Instead of erecting a pergola in your garden with wooden beams and pillars, you can let it emit the same love of botany. Introduce plants and wilderness within the pergola. Use vines and climbing roses to cover the pillars and the lattice. Create a pergola that emits the same botanical bliss in your garden.

Pool Front Pergola:

If you have a pool in your garden then that’s something to highlight! You would want a pergola that offers you a stunning view and seamlessly blend with the surroundings as well. Placing your pergola near the pool will offer a suitable view and also highlight your property. Try to keep the pergola design minimalistic to suit the space well.

A Hidden Canopy:

When designing a pergola, you can choose a design that makes your garden look mythical. One such theme will be a hidden canopy design. The canopy-style pergola design is quite popular for gardens. The rustic feel it offers makes your garden appear straight out of a fairy tale. This is another popular garden pergola style that you can replicate.

Oriental Pergola:

There’s something quite serene about the Asian garden styles, especially the Japanese ones! If you feel the same then you can go for an oriental style garden pergola which takes inspiration from the Japanese gardens. From the construction style of the structure to the addition of bonsai in your pergola, you can create an oriental aesthetic in your garden.

These are some of the pergola styles that you can take inspiration from to elevate the look of your garden. Now, you can create a pergola in your garden to make your property close to the ones that you see in magazines.

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